ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases -- Part 3
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ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases -- Part 3
ISO 14064-3 provides requirements and guidance for validating and verifying GHG assertions, including organizational GHG inventories and GHG project claims. It sets out principles and procedures for conducting validation and verification activities, ensuring the credibility and accuracy of GHG information reported. Key aspects include:
- Validation: Assessment of GHG assertions against criteria to ensure they are complete, accurate, and consistent.
- Verification: Independent verification of GHG data and claims by accredited third parties.
- Documentation and Records: Maintaining documentation and records to support validation and verification activities.
These standards in the ISO 14064 series are designed to help organizations manage and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions effectively, promote transparency in reporting, and contribute to global efforts to address climate change. Each part of the series provides a framework for organizations to enhance their environmental performance and demonstrate leadership in GHG management.